Traverse Standard v11.0
AP/PO Month End Checklist
Delete this text and replace it with your own content.
Purchase Order
- Complete all month end receiving and invoicing. Close all PO line items that won’t be fulfilled.
- Post all transactions in Purchase Order. Verify that all posting complete by using the Receipts and Invoices Report.
- Run the Accrual Verification report and reconcile your AP accrual account. Note: this report should be exported and saved as it can’t be recreated at a later date.
- Clear sent emails and archived documents from PO using regular monthly schedule
Note: You can also EXPORT documents to a zip folder before purging documents.
- Close PO in SM – Period Conversions
- Warn users that they can NO LONGER change received costs for closed period.
Accounts Payable
- Enter all AP transactions and post transactions. Prepare all AP checks and post transactions.
- Verify all posting is complete using a preview on the purchases journal, debits journal, and payment register.
- Review foreign exchange gain and loses and post unrealized gains and losses to the GL
- Review 1099 vendor invoices – mark new 1099 invoices for 1099 processing as needed
- OPTIONAL: Run AP Periodic Processing to delete temporary vendors (and history). Note: we don’t advise deleting paid invoices as this will impact your ability to accurately run a historical Aged Trial Balance report.
- Reconcile AP account(s) as well as PO deposit account(s)
AP Account
PO Deposit
- Purge AP sent emails
- Purge AP archived documents
Note: You can export documents prior to purge
- Close AP in SM – Period Conversions